ECNP e-news
34th ECNP Congress hybrid: the most flexible congress!
ECNP Top Articles
New impact factor for European Neuropsy- chopharmacology
2021 ECNP School of Neuropsycho pharmacology
ECNP Members: invitation to attend ACNP 2021
ECNP immuno- NeuroPsychiatry Network
Start of the PRISM 2 project
AIMS-2-TRIALS - second newsletter
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34th ECNP Congress Hybrid 2021

Choose how you want to attend ECNP 2021

The 34th ECNP Congress, 2-5 October 2021, Lisbon, Portugal will be a hybrid congress. Hybrid means you have a choice: you can join in-person in Lisbon or online.

This video explains how it works:

ECNP Congress 2021 goes hybrid

Due to COVID-19, our cancellation/change policy is very flexible. You can switch from an in-person registration to an online registration, or vice versa, free of charge, right up to 2 September. Cancellation before 2 September 2021 will only cost you a small administrative fee.

ECNP register here


ECNP Top Articles

Have you already noticed them on social media, the ECNP Top Articles?

Every week we post an article, recommended by one of ECNP's subject-matter experts. We select the most important new papers in various areas of the field.

Follow ECNP on social media to find them in your timeline every week, or find the complete selection here.

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Journal of ECNP: European Neuropsychopharmacology (ENP)

New impact factor for European Neuropsycho-pharmacology

The 2020 journal impact factors have been released from Clarivate Analytics. ECNP’s journal European Neuropsychopharmacology (ENP) has jumped from 3.853 to 4.600.

Congratulations to the ENP team, and to the editor-in-chief Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, who ended his six-year term at the end of 2020.


Virtual ECNP School: a big success! 

On 30 June - 2 July, 55 participants from 26 European countries attended the ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology Virtual.

Participants prepared with pre-recorded lectures, which were then discussed live with the faculty experts during the School.

As well as clinical case sessions, where participants presented a clinical case and discussed them under the guidance of a faculty member, participants worked in small groups on a critical research question.


Members: attend the ACNP Annual Meeting

Invitation to the ACNP Annual Meeting 2021

ECNP is again able to designate six ECNP members to be invited to the 60th Annual Meeting of ACNP, 5-8 December 2021, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

You can show your interest, by sending an e-mail, including a short justification (max 250 words), to the ECNP Office by 19 July 2021 at the latest.

Read more

Not an ECNP member yet? Via the ECNP website you can read about the benefits and opportunities and apply. 
Immuno-NeuroPsychiatry - ECNP Network

New network: Immuno-NeuroPsychiatry

ECNP is happy to announce you that the ECNP Thematic Working Group on Immuno-NeuroPsychiatry has now become an ECNP Network.

More information on the ECNP Networks and Thematic Working Groups is available here

Prism 2 project

Start of the PRISM 2 project 

After the success of the PRISM project, the PRISM 2 project was officially launched on 22-23 June.

The five-year, € 7.9m, IMI-funded PRISM 2 (Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers 2) project aims to identify quantitative biological features common across the diseases, opening the possibility of developing targeted treatments irrespective of traditional diagnosis.

Read more about this project in the press release

Aims 2 Trials logo

AIMS-2-TRIALS - second newsletter

AIMS-2-TRIALS (Autism Innovative Medicine Studies-2-Trials) is afive-year, € 113m, IMI-funded  research programme that will explore the biology of autism to tailor treatments, develop new medicines, and set up a global clinical trial network for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

AIMS-2-TRIALS has published it's second newsletter.

Read it here

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